Monday, October 29, 2012


As I post a thought at 10:22 pm, I realize I have given God my leftovers of the day.  Don't get me wrong, I talked to Him throughout the day today, but I didn't really make time for Him (time for my usual daily study, prayer)

I tried to blame it on the fact that I didn't sleep well last night, and that I had to get up at the crack of dawn to be at work this morning.  I also used the excuse that I would get what I needed to get done around the house so I can truly "focus" on Him later.

Well, it's time to hit the hay, my kids have been sleeping soundly after having some quality time playing UNO with the parents, my house is clean, supper was home cooked, I even cleaned out the basement today.  Here I sit, exhausted and telling God that I am sorry for leaving Him the leftovers of the day.

What's funny is that He is such a God of understanding.  HE IS ALWAYS HERE.  He was here with me all day while I accomplished my earthly tasks.

A perfect example of God always being "here" is an experience I had this past Sunday....  I love hawks and eagles.  In Alabama it's not super common to see lots of hawks (you see them, but it's not all the time), but seeing an eagle is rare (I think).  Both birds are so breathtakingly beautiful.  Seeing a hawk reminds me that God is my protector, that I must fly on His wings, and when I see one soaring in the sky I always think of Him and smile. 

Ironically, I see A LOT of hawks.  I mean, my friends and husband find it strange.  I even have a picture of one perched on a fence merely 10 feet from me.  After staring at each other for a good 5 minutes, the beautiful bird took flight and soared right over me.  That's just one example, but it's really funny.  I'll even simply text the word "hawk" to my friends because it's just so crazy how they are so "there" for me. 

On Sunday, I was feeling "not in the church mood".  I was excited to go to church, but I didn't have that "feeling".  Do you know what I mean?  I wanted to be "feeling it".  Anyway, as we turned into the church, I prayed, "Lord, I know you are always here, but I want to feel you.  I know it's me and not you, but please show me your presence".

Maybe 3 seconds later, a huge hawk flew directly over our car.  It was maybe 5 feet over our car.  My son was going crazy because it was so beautiful.  No one knew that I had just prayed that prayer, but it was so reassuring to hear His voice, "I'm right here, Dani".  I still get emotional thinking about it.  I happened to see 3 hawks that day - I would like to think it was a reminder.

Father, thank you for always be here.  Even when I have given you my leftovers.  You are so forgiving and loving.  You never give me your leftovers, but always the best of You.  You made sure I had everything done today, you put me first.  I put you last, and I am sorry.  Thank you for loving me.  Thank you for your love being truly unconditional......~dani 

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