Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Stuck.....need help!!!

Some of you know the reason this blog is called The Atticus Project.  It is based on a project/program that is underway.  This project will provide teenage girls who "age out" or emancipate out of foster care with transitional housing, life skills, Christian values, and confidence to succeed in life. 

This is a non-profit organization.  The journey has gone so smoothly, that it must have been ordained by God. 

WE NEED OUR FIRST HOUSE!!!  There is a program called the CDFI fund.  It is a federal fund where they actually will sometimes gives homes to non-profit organizations.  We are going to apply for this, but we need for all of you to put your "feelers" out there for foreclosed homes preferably in the Gardendale/Mt. Olive area at first.  We plan to spread county-wide, outside the county, state-wide, nationally, and internationally, but we need to begin somehwere.

If you know of ANYTHING, even if it doesn't seem helpful, please let us know.

You may email me at nesmith4kids@gmail.com or post a comment to this blog entry. 

Thanks for everything!!!

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