Sunday, November 11, 2012

What now? Post-election thoughts....

~~~First of all, Happy Veteran's Day.  This is one of my favorite holidays.  I get emotional when I think of every one who has fought for my family and me.  Those people are the bravest moms, dads, husbands, wives, sisters, brothers, friends, and many of them sacrificed their lives for me!  For all of us!  They are truly to be honored. ~~~

There are some people rejoicing that Obama is back in office for a short 4 year stint, and there are others who are in mourning and grieving that Obama was re-elected for a LONG, painful, scary 4 year process.

I was 100% sure of who I was voting for, and my guy lost.  I was saddened, sure.  I was thinking, oh my, think of everyone who will be affected.  What will this mean for our country and for our future and for our people.

After I realized that I absolutely could do nothing to change it, I was reminded that NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE can take away my freedom.  I could read prophecy about the end times, I could listen over and over to the conservative media analyze what happened and what was going to happen, but except for having a feeling of likemindedness, NOTHING WAS GOING TO CHANGE.  Barack Obama was the United States of America's president for the next 4 years. 

I realized that I am free.  My place of freedom can't be seen.  My place of freedom will never perish.  My place of freedom has people fighting every day on this earth to make people realize that THEY ARE FREE!!!  They're in God's army, and the good news is GOD WINS!!!

In my life, not even the meanest, scariest, darkest person or leader can change me.  I am willing to die for Jesus.  And if I die for Him, I will go to a place where freedom reigns eternally. 

People, take heart in that.  Yes, our nation will surely have trials and tribulations.  It's biblical.  IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN.  But are you ready?  Are you ready to enlist in God's army?  Are we not in a state of emergency?  Let's call GEMA (God's Emergency Man Agency). 

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